The Seven Apocalyptic Seals

The video “Painting the invisible” concludes with a series of paintings which Rosenkrantz himself considered among his most important: The Seven Apocalyptic Seals .

Rosenkrantz painted the seals for the first time in 1923 under the personal guidance of Rudolf Steiner. They were published in 1924 in black and white in an English portfolio edition: “Occult Seals and Columns”. The seven pastels shown here and in the video are painted by Rosenkrantz in London in the 1930s. The originals have a diameter of 72 cm's. They are all privately owned i Denmark.

Rudolf Steiner's own interpretation of the seals from 1907 can be found in John Fletcher's “Art inspired by Rudolf Steiner” (Mercury Arts Publication 1987). Steiner emphazies that “all speculations and intellectual explanations are out of place in dealing with such signs, since they are not arrived at by thought, but are purely a description of what the so-called seer perceives in unseen worlds. One who is able to understand that book as interpreted by spiritual science, sees in it nothing else than a description in words of what the seer percieves as human evolution on the astral plane in archetypes”.

The abbreviated explanations here are quoted from John Fletcher's book with one quote from Emil Bock.